Legal Alerts
ABA The Brief: Dismissed As Duplicative
This article discusses how courts evaluate claims for breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing in actions where there is also a breach of contract cause of action based on the same facts.
Hurwitz Fine Achieves Midsize Mansfield Certification “Plus” Status
Hurwitz Fine has achieved the highest national law firm diversity certification after a rigorous 18-month collaboration with Diversity Lab to track, measure and achieve diversity in leadership.
Jody E. Briandi Speaks at the Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s 2023 DEI Symposium on "DEI Successes & Challenges at Work"
Hurwitz Fine Firm President/Managing Partner Jody E. Briandi was a featured panelist at the Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s 2023 DEI Symposium on June 1, 2023, where Jody discussed "DEI Successes & Challenges at Work" during the Micro Learning Sessions.
Eric Andrew Quoted in the New York Law Journal on the "Grieving Families Act"
Hurwitz Fine Attorney Eric Andrew offers insight to the New York Law Journal on May 15, 2023, on the revised "Grieving Families Act" slated for legislative review.
Diane F. Bosse Receives the American Bar Association's 2023 Robert J. Kutak Award
Hurwitz Fine Attorney Diane F. Bosse is the American Bar Association's 2023 Robert J. Kutak Award Recipient. The Kutak Award is presented annually to honor an individual who has made significant contributions to the collaboration of the legal academy, the bench, and the bar.
Law360: Expert Analysis: Unpacking NY's Revamped Wrongful Death Bill
The Resurrection of the Grieving Families Act: Another Attempt to Revamp New York’s Wrongful Death Statute
After suffering a veto this past January, a revised version of the Grieving Families Act was just introduced to the New York legislature on May 2, 2023. The Grieving Families Act that would completely overhaul wrongful death claims in New York by permitting recovery for emotional damages and expanding the class of persons who can seek recovery for a fatality. The recent iteration of the bill seeks to remedy perceived pitfalls from the prior legislation by more clearly defining who can assert a claim for emotional damages, narrowing the expansion of the statute of limitation, and placing limits on its retroactivity. The new bill however does not implement a cap on damages, nor carve out an exception for medical malpractice claims.
Hurwitz Fine Partners With Habitat for Humanity To Give Back
On April 28th and May 19th, as part of Hurwitz Fine's ongoing community service initiative, employees attended two community service days, organized by our DEI and Safety & Wellness Committees, in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.
Hurwitz Fine Announces Attorney Advancements
Hurwitz Fine attorneys Lee Siegel and Mike Williams have advanced at the firm, effective May 1.
Law360: NY Ruling Highlights Need For Specific Insurance Disclaimers
If an insurance company is to deny liability coverage for a New York bodily injury claim, it must provide a detailed explanation of that decision, not only to the policyholder but also to the individual who is injured. Hurwitz Fine’s Dan D. Kohane provided insight into a recent New York appellate decision that evaluated and considered the quality and detail of that explanation.
Scott J. Whitbeck Joins Hurwitz Fine as a Litigation Attorney
Scott J. Whitbeck has joined Hurwitz P.C. as Special Counsel in the firm's Buffalo office, focusing his practice on the defense of product and premises liability claims.
Law360: Md. AG’s Report Puts Spotlight On Abuse Coverage Issues
Hurwitz Fine Insurance Coverage Attorney Dan D. Kohane spoke with Law360 on Maryland's adoption of Child Victim Legislation.
The Ninth Circuit Shoots Down New Build Natural Gas Prohibition
Maxwell C. Radley explains how in a recent ruling, the Ninth Circuit rules a local natural gas ban as void because it is preempted by federal law.
Six Hurwitz Fine Attorneys Featured in The Harmonie Group's 2022 Significant Cases Publication
Hurwitz Fine P.C. had three victories published in The Harmonie’s Group's annual significant cases publication for 2022.
Employers: Update Your Sexual Harassment Policies and Training Materials to Comport with New York State’s New Models
On April 12, 2023, the New York State Department of Labor posted new guidance and its updated Model Policy on Sexual Harassment Prevention and training materials.
NYIA: Your NY Connection Magazine: Calling Balls & Strikes, In Lawyerly Fights
Hurwitz Fine Insurance Coverage Member Dan D. Kohane and Associate Ryan P. Maxwell authored an article for NYIA in the Q1 2023 edition of the Your NY Connection magazine, “Calling Balls and Strikes, In Lawyerly Fights.”
Law360: Expert Analysis: NY Rulings Show Shift In Insurance Priority Approach
Hurwitz Fine Insurance Coverage Member Dan D. Kohane authored an article on March 28, 2023 in Law360’s Expert Analysis section titled “NY Rulings Show Shift In Insurance Priority Approach.”
Evan Bussiere Quoted in Business First Commercial Real Estate Cover Story: "Where the C-Suite Calls Home"
Hurwitz Fine Commercial Real Estate and Economic Development Attorney Evan Y. Bussiere was quoted in the 3/10/23 Business First cover story, "Where the C-Suite Calls Home." In the article, Evan discusses factors that come into play when a company maintains a corporate headquarters in Western New York.
Jody E. Briandi and Anastasia M. McCarthy Honored as 2023 ATHENA Award Finalists
Hurwitz Fine is proud to announce that it has two finalists for the 2023 ATHENA Awards®, President/Managing Partner Jody E. Briandi and Member Anastasia M. McCarthy.
Michael F. Perley Named a Fellow of The New York Bar Foundation
Hurwitz Fine Litigation Chair Michael F. Perley has been named a Fellow of The New York Bar Foundation.